
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Lt. Col. Scott “Kidd” Poteet ’96, retired from the U.S. Air Force, 在朝鲜和韩国之间的非军事区巡逻, flown combat missions over Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq, and even soared with the Thunderbirds, the Air Force’s elite precision team. As the pilot for SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission, 他将比自20世纪70年代美国宇航局的阿波罗任务以来任何人都更接近月球. 达勒姆人,也是永利app新版本官网地址的校友, 听波提特分享一些帮助他塑造职业道路的校园场所和项目, 包括他在户外教育项目中的经历.

David Vogt | Communications and Public Affairs
David Vogt | Communications and Public Affairs