UNH Increases telepractice capacity in rural New Hampshire

Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Equipment being demonstrated in the UNH Telehealth Practice Center

In the wake of COVID-19, and with the still ever-present opioid epidemic, 新罕布什尔州的监狱系统和县监狱继续努力满足居民的复杂需求. 这些需求通常包括药物使用障碍或精神疾病的治疗, and navigating parenting while being incarcerated.

UNH’s Telehealth Practice Center, through a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 是否为新罕布什尔州的六个农村惩教设施和药物使用康复中心配备远程保健设备,以提供更多获得社区康复支助服务的机会. 通过电子卫生保健支持农村惩戒个人(SIRCH)联盟不仅将增加获得所需服务的机会,而且还将帮助提高通过远程卫生保健平台接受服务的客户的舒适度——这是全国日益增长的卫生保健提供趋势.

新罕布什尔州惩教部门估计,新罕布什尔州62%的被监禁者有物质使用障碍. At the Sullivan County Jail in Claremont, 据估计,85%的新处理的居民(审前和判刑)受到, in recovery from, or in withdrawal from alcohol and drugs. 此外,大约55%的囚犯有一个18岁以下的孩子.

“在新罕布什尔州服刑人员服务机构和提供康复支持的社区组织之间建立更强大的连接系统,将为该州农村地区的弱势群体创造更强大的医疗保健基础设施,” says Marguerite Corvini, project director for the UNH Telepractice Center. 增加获得护理和治疗的机会将使个人能够在更强大的支持网络中过渡回他们的社区, while reducing recidivism and increasing public safety.

联盟成员看到了提供远程保健康复服务的潜在长期影响. Incarcerated individuals will have increased access to recovery supports, both while incarcerated and when they rejoin their community.

“UNH students are our state’s future health care workforce. 通过这一项目所作的努力将使下一代保健领导人能够更深入地了解弱势群体的需求, and best practices for telehealth.”

“UNH提供的远程医疗设备和支持以及这笔赠款将使我们有机会为所有囚犯提供实时服务, person-to-person bridge between health care and treatment in our facility, 医疗和社会服务部门为那些住在家里的人提供支持,” says Donna Magee, program director at the Sullivan County Jail.

UNH的远程医疗实践中心也将获得远程医疗设备,以在其校园设施中提供更多的学生学习机会. 联合国大学的学生不仅将接触到正在迅速成为保健服务一部分的远程保健技术, 但也将有机会与新罕布什尔州农村地区的不同人群一起工作,这些人通常无法定期获得医疗服务. 学生的经历将从多学科的角度解决物质使用障碍的挑战, including social work, nursing, occupational therapy, early childhood learning and others.

Master of social work 21岁的Jennifer Seher与UNH教职员工一起帮助领导这些努力.

“As a UNH social work student, SIRCH项目让我有机会协助惩教机构和康复中心整合技术解决方案,” she says. “看到这些努力如何使这些弱势群体受益是令人兴奋的.”

联合国儿童基金会继续采取措施解决新罕布什尔州医疗保健人员短缺问题, 远程保健实践已成为在农村地区和通常无法充分获得保健的人口提供保健的一种有效方式. 远程保健实践的出现与跨专业教育的实施相结合,为最大限度地提高护理的质量和效率提供了机会, and UNH students are at the forefront of these transformative efforts.

“UNH students are our state’s future health care workforce,” says Gene Harkless, associate professor and chair of the UNH department of nursing. “通过这个项目的努力将使下一代卫生保健领导人能够更深入地了解弱势群体的需求, and best practices for telehealth.”


David Vogt | Communications and Public Affairs